Evaluation in Mouse Model of Combined Virus-bacterial Vaccine Based on Attenuated Influenza A(H7N3) Virus and the Group B Streptococcus Recombinant Polypeptides

Yulia A. Desheva1, 2, *, Galina F. Leontieva1, Tatiana A. Kramskaya1, Tatiana A. Smolonogina1, Kornelia B. Grabovskaya1, Irina V. Kiseleva1, 2, Larisa G. Rudenko1, Alexander N. Suvorov1, 2
1 Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Institute of Experimental Medicine”, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
2 Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation

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Secondary bacterial influenza complications are a common cause of excesses morbidity and mortality, which determines the need to develop means for specific prophylaxis. Group B streptococcal infection is especially common cause of pneumonia among children and the elderly with underlying conditions. Here we investigate in a mouse model the effects of combined intranasal immunization using live attenuated influenza vaccine and recombinant polypeptides based on group B Streptococcus surface proteins.


Groups of outbred mice received two doses of the following preparations: 1) the reassortant A/17/Mallard/Netherlands/00/95 (H7N3) influenza virus; 2) a mixture of P6, ScaAB, ScpB1 and Stv recombinant GBS proteins (20 µg total); 3) the A(H7N3) influenza vaccine pooled with the four bacterial peptide preparation; 4) control animals were treated with PBS.


Intranasal vaccination using LAIV in combination with GBS polypeptides provided advantageous protection against infections with homologous A/Mallard/Netherlands/12/00 (H7N3) wild type virus or heterologous A/Puerto Rico/8/34 (H1N1) followed by serotype II GBS infection. Also, combined vaccination improved bacterial clearance from the lungs of mice.


Intranasal immunization with LAIV+GBSV was safe and enabled to induce the antibody response to each of vaccine components. Thus, the combined vaccine increased the protective effect against influenza and its bacterial complications in mice compared to LAIV-only.

Keywords: Attenuated influenza, Group B streptococcus, Live influenza vaccine, Recombinant bacterial polypeptides.